Have you ever seen your coworker chugging a gallon of coffee before diving into the projects for the day? We’ve all been there. Sure, it gets the blood pumping and gives us that extra boost we need to endure the day in our cushy but highly demanding job.

But as you may or may not know, there are many other ways to have a better morning than just getting a cup of coffee.

So, if you’re pressed for time in the morning and need that extra boost, here are five ways to get energized before work without coffee:

Exercise In the Morning 

This is one of the most effective ways to get energized before work without coffee. The science behind this one is pretty simple: when you exercise, your body releases endorphins—natural chemicals that make us feel happy and relaxed. 

So while you might think that exercising right before bed would be counterproductive because it makes us more tired, it increases our energy levels by helping us sleep better at night.

Take a Walk Outside

No matter how early you get up, there’s always time for a quick walk around the block before heading out the door. It can be as short or as long as you like, but even a few minutes get your blood flowing and helps wake you up so you can start your day feeling refreshed and energized.

In fact, among the many health benefits of walking that Hanson and Jones found in their research were improvements in fitness, body fatness, and resting blood pressure, as well as improvements in weight reduction, depression, and cardiovascular disease risk.

Indeed, going for a brisk walk in the morning will give you a boost of energy and improve your overall health.

Take a Cold Shower

Many people are hesitant about getting into a cold shower, but the health benefits of cold water are substantial. Cold showers are a great way to energize yourself, especially if you feel tired and sluggish.

It can help your body produce more red blood cells, so your heart will have to work less complicated to pump blood around your body.

Physician and founder of Avid Sports Medicine in San Francisco, Veronica Jow, M.D., stated that “The basic theory of cooling the body after a workout has been based on the belief that cold water can enhance the body’s adaptation to training and restore the ability to perform at a high level. Cooling is believed to decrease muscle soreness and muscle damage, swelling, and inflammation.”

Therefore, taking a cold shower after a strenuous workout helps to minimize muscular discomfort. With the muscle-regenerating capabilities of cold water, you can rest and heal your muscles after an intense workout.

Also, it can help reduce inflammation throughout your body, making you feel more alert and less groggy if you take a cold shower before bedtime since it increases circulation and oxygenates your blood supply.

Listen to Music that Pumps You Up! 

Music has been scientifically proven to increase energy levels, so why not listen to some tunes before work? You don’t even have to dance around—just put on something that gets your heart beating faster and helps keep you awake to start the day feeling bright-eyed and bushy-tailed!

Be Positive! 

When you wake up in the morning, tell yourself, “Today will be great!” A positive attitude can go a long way toward making sure that it does turn out that way!

In the end, there’s nothing wrong with enjoying a cup of coffee before work. But if you’re trying to cut down on caffeine consumption, or you want to squeeze in a run before work without the jitters, you might want to consider some of these alternatives. 

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