Most of us spend a good chunk of our day sitting at a desk, staring at a screen, and feeling the slow creep of fatigue by the time afternoon hits. Whether it’s back pain, eye strain, or just general discomfort, poor office ergonomics can take a toll on our bodies. But the good news is, with a few simple tweaks to your workspace, you can fend off fatigue and feel more energized throughout the day. Ready to feel better at your desk? 

Here are 10 essential office ergonomics tips to help you stay sharp and avoid fatigue.

1. Support Your Arms

Your arms and wrists are among the first places to feel the strain after hours of typing or using the mouse. Make sure your arms are properly supported by adjusting your chair’s armrests or using an ergonomic desk setup that allows your elbows to stay close to your body and rest at a 90-degree angle. When your arms aren’t supported, your shoulders and neck end up bearing the brunt of the work, leading to discomfort or even long-term issues. Think of arm support as the foundation for a pain-free workday.

2. Maintain Proper Head Position

If you find yourself craning your neck forward to read your screen, you’re putting unnecessary stress on your neck and shoulders. Your head should always be aligned with your spine, not jutting forward. To achieve this, position your monitor at eye level and sit straight. A good rule of thumb is that the top of your monitor should be around eye height, so you’re not constantly looking down or up. Over time, improper head positioning can lead to chronic neck pain, headaches, and even more serious issues like cervical strain.

3. Avoid Slouching

Slouching might feel comfortable in the moment, but it’s one of the worst habits for long-term spinal health. When you slouch, your lower back doesn’t get the support it needs, leading to poor posture and, eventually, back pain. Using a chair with lumbar support or a small cushion can help maintain the natural curve of your spine. Sitting up straight with your feet flat on the floor distributes your body weight evenly and keeps your muscles from overcompensating. Think of it as training your body to stay in balance, reducing unnecessary strain.

4. Correct Monitor and Keyboard Placement

One of the easiest ways to improve your workspace ergonomics is by ensuring your monitor and keyboard are positioned correctly. Place your monitor directly in front of you to avoid constantly twisting your neck or body to see the screen. Your keyboard should also be positioned in front of you, at a height that allows your forearms to remain parallel to the ground. These small adjustments can prevent shoulder and neck fatigue, as well as long-term repetitive stress injuries from awkward positioning.

5. Use Hands-Free Devices

If your job requires frequent phone calls, it’s tempting to cradle the phone between your neck and shoulder. However, this position puts an enormous amount of strain on your neck muscles, especially when done repeatedly. A hands-free device like a headset or speakerphone allows you to keep your neck in a neutral position while talking. Not only does this help prevent neck pain, but it also lets you multitask more efficiently without compromising your posture.

6. Keep Keyboard and Mouse Close

Reaching too far for your keyboard or mouse is a common mistake that can lead to shoulder and arm fatigue. Keep these tools within easy reach, ideally, right in front of you at a comfortable distance so you’re not stretching your arms forward or to the side. If possible, use an ergonomic keyboard and mouse designed to reduce strain. The less effort it takes to access your tools, the less strain you’ll feel over time, making it easier to maintain a comfortable posture throughout the day.

7. Prevent Eye Strain

Eye strain is often an overlooked consequence of poor ergonomics. Staring at a screen for hours without adjusting your setup can lead to dry eyes, blurred vision, and headaches. A simple way to combat this is by placing your monitor about an arm’s length away, with the top of the screen at or just below eye level. Additionally, following the 20-20-20 rule, taking a 20-second break every 20 minutes to look at something 20 feet away, can significantly reduce eye strain.

8. Control Screen Glare

Glare from overhead lights or windows can make it difficult to see your screen clearly, forcing you to squint or crane your neck. To minimize glare, position your monitor perpendicular to windows or light sources. You can also use an anti-glare screen or adjust your monitor’s brightness and contrast settings. Reducing glare not only makes it easier on your eyes but also helps you maintain better posture since you won’t be leaning in or twisting to see your screen properly.

9. Rest Your Eyes

In addition to adjusting your screen’s position and brightness, it’s important to give your eyes regular breaks throughout the day. Even if you’ve optimized your workspace, your eyes can still get fatigued from staring at a screen for too long. Take brief, frequent breaks to look away from your screen, ideally focusing on distant objects. These mini-breaks help your eyes relax and prevent strain, allowing you to maintain visual comfort and focus for the long haul.

10. Ensure Foot Support

Your feet play a bigger role in your overall posture than you might think. If your feet are dangling or aren’t fully supported by the floor, it can throw off your entire alignment. To avoid this, make sure your feet rest flat on the floor or use a footrest if your chair is too high. Proper foot support keeps your hips aligned with your spine, which in turn helps you maintain a more balanced, relaxed posture throughout the day. It’s one of the easiest ways to prevent lower back pain and discomfort.

Boost Your Productivity with Proper Ergonomics

Taking care of your body while working at a desk is crucial to maintaining productivity and preventing long-term discomfort. Whether you’re dealing with back pain, neck strain, or general fatigue, these simple office ergonomics tips can help you feel more energized and focused. At Avid Sports Medicine, we specialize in helping San Francisco professionals improve their health and well-being through personalized care, including ergonomic consultations. Don’t wait until discomfort turns into chronic pain, book an appointment today and start feeling better in your workspace!