There are plenty of ways you can help reduce the risk of heart disease and boost your overall health. Try these five tips to keep your heart healthy.

Adopt A Healthy Lifestyle 

Adopt a Healthy Lifestyle – Your risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and some forms of cancer can be reduced by adopting a healthy lifestyle. Obesity increases the heart’s workload, making it more difficult to pump blood through the body. Fats also accumulate around arteries, and this increases a person’s risk of getting heart complications. Individuals with a higher BMI should embrace programs that advise them on how to lose weight appropriately.

Include Healthy Fats In Your Diet

We all need fats in our daily diets and these include both saturated and unsaturated fats. However, trans fats pose a major risk to the health of the human heart and it’s best not to indulge too much in these.  Trans fats lower the good cholesterol levels while increasing the bad cholesterol levels throughout the body.  

Create A Regular Exercise Routine

Regular physical activity like jogging can make the heart stronger and the lungs more fit for better quality breathing.  You will breathe harder, and your heart will beat faster as your body is working at a higher capacity. While the benefits of exercise can be seen by anyone, regardless of age, weight, or physical abilities, the benefits become more noteworthy when performed at a higher frequency. Additional perks of regular exercise are increased stamina, a stronger immune system, improved mood, and being able to keep you fit and independent as you age. 

Get Enough Sleep 

Adults who get less than seven hours of sleep a night on a regular basis tend to have poorer heart health. Not surprisingly, a majority of people are unable to sleep for the required hours due to busy schedules at work or school. However, getting the right amount of sleep is essential in preventing heart diseases and other ailments. 

Reduce And Quit Smoking 

Cigarette smoking has been associated with blocked arteries and can lead to heart attacks. Chemicals that emanate from smoke are linked with the development of plaque around arteries. Smoking not only causes heart problems but also brain strokes, blood clots, and stiffening of the arteries in the arms and legs. 

In conclusion, there are many ways to improve your heart health. Sign up for a consult call today to learn more about how Avid Sports Medicine can help you start your journey and make strides towards a healthier life.

Harmstring 1 - Dowel Hip Hinge

Harmstring 2 - Supine Nerve Glide

Harmstring 3 - Single Leg Runner's Balance

Harmstring 4 - Standing Hamstring Curls

Harmstring 5 - Eccentric Hamstring Curls

Neck 1 - Chin Tuck

Neck 2 - Neck CARS Standing

Neck 3 - SCM Release

Neck 4 - Levator Stretch

Knee 1 - Seated Knee CARs

Knee 2 - Eccentric Quad Extension

Knee 3 - Kneeling Knee Flexion Isometrics

Knee 4 - Lunge Slider

1 - Ankle CARS

2 - Double Leg Heel Raises

3 - Heel Raise with Squeeze

4 - Great Toe CARs

5 - Running Balance

Hip 1 - Stretch

Hip 2 - Side Lying CARs

Hip 3 - 90_90 Stretch

Elbow 1 - Elbow CARs

Elbow 2 - Eccentric Wrist Flexion

Elbow 3 - Eccentric Wrist Extension

Elbow 4 - Wrist Flexion Extension

Elbow 5 - Prayer Wrist Flexion Stretch

Elbow 6 - Wrist Extension Stretch

Shoulder 1 - Shoulder CARs

Shoulder 2 - Scapular CARs

Shoulder 3 - Swimmer Hovers

Shoulder 4 - Reactive iso IR

Shoulder 5 - Reactive iso ER

Back 1 - Loaded Spinal CARs

Back 2 - Quadruped Spinal Flexion and Extension

Back 3 - Anti Rotation Press

Back 4 - Pelvic tilts with internal rotation

Hip 1 - Stretch

Hip 2 - Side Lying CARs

Hip 3 - 90_90 Stretch