When it comes to creating a successful workplace, employee wellness is one of the most important factors. Having a highly engaged staff leads to 20% higher sales and 21% higher profitability, according to a Gallup survey. The good news is that employee wellness can be improved with small changes that can have a big impact on your company culture. 

Below are ten tips you can take to create a successful office step challenge that will make all of your employees feel more engaged and happy at work.

  1. Create a Reward System

A reward system is a great way to encourage people to walk or step more in the office. When you set up a reward system, you give people something to work towards.

For instance, you can set your daily step goal to 10,000 for the first week of this challenge, but you’ll need to boost it by 2,000 each week thereafter. The staff will then be motivated to adopt an active lifestyle and rewarded for raising their step count.

  1. Have Fun With It!

The step challenge at your office is a great way to have fun and promote healthy lifestyles.

It also helps you become more active in the workplace, which can help you with your productivity. In addition, it’s a great way to connect with your co-workers on a more personal level and build relationships with them.

  1. Make It Easy to Find the Steps and Log Your Progress

The step challenge at your office is a great way to get yourself and your coworkers moving. The ability to log your progress and stay accountable is important because it will help you stay focused on your goals, which could be anything from walking 10,000 steps a day to walking 25 miles by the end of the year.

  1. Get Everyone Involved

The step challenge at your office is a great way to get everyone involved in the movement. By getting everyone involved, you’re creating a culture of wellness and community. The more people who are involved, the more likely they are to take ownership of their health goals. 

  1. Keep Track of Your Team’s Progress 

If you have a team of people who are working together to achieve a goal and you want to make sure that they’re staying on track, it can be helpful to keep track of their progress. This can give you a better idea of what’s working, what isn’t, and whether or not your team is making progress towards the completion of their goal.

  1. Steps Should Be Specific, Concrete, and Realistic

The step challenge is an important initiative at the office because it helps everyone stay active, healthy, and focused. 

Therefore, steps should be specific, concrete, and realistic. This means that there are no vague or ambiguous instructions, so everyone knows exactly what they need to do in order to reach these goals.

  1. Steps Should Be Achievable

The goal of the step challenge is to get you moving, and it’s important to make sure that you’re doing it in a way that you can keep up with. If you bite off more than you can chew, you’ll probably give up before you get anywhere.

  1. Include several types of challenges

The Step Challenge is a great way to get employees excited about their health, but it’s important to include several types of challenges in order to make it fun and effective.

For example, a step challenge that only focused on a single activity would make the effort boring after a while. Including other activities such as team-based competitions or contests will keep people engaged and motivated.

  1. Pay Attention to How People Respond to Each Challenge and Adjust Accordingly

The Step Challenge is a great way to introduce new ways of thinking, working, and foster an environment of collaboration and growth. It is an activity that encourages employees to walk more and move more in their daily lives. 

It also encourages them to take on new challenges, like learning something new or trying something they’ve never done before. The idea behind paying attention to how people respond to each other’s challenges and adjust accordingly with the step challenge at your office is that you can use the information gathered from this process to enhance how you work together as a team.

  1. Keep It Simple

It is important to keep the step challenge at work simply because it will make it easier for everyone to participate.

A simple step challenge means that you will have fewer people who are not participating and fewer people who are not seeing results, which means that there will be more people who are doing well and seeing results.

Your Employees Are Your Most Valuable Asset

With the current compounding physical and mental stress in our workplaces, it’s more important than ever that you help your employees thrive. Avid offers work wellness programs and injury prevention as well as exercise and training that will help your employees take care of themselves.

So, what are you waiting for? Sign them up for Avid’s corporate wellness program!